Teamviewer download english

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Visitors are encouraged to report this problem by calling the ' +(888) 756-6301' number and allow 'technical support' to connect to the computer through TeamViewer. According to this website, the system has detected 'unusual activity' that might harm the computer and could be used to track financial activities. Note, however, that Microsoft has nothing to do with this scam site. In this case, scammers try to trick people into installing TeamViewer through a tech-support scam page that is disguised as an official Microsoft Support web page. People do not generally visit websites of this kind intentionally - they are opened by potentially unwanted applications installed on browsers and operating systems. One example is a tech-support scam site claiming that the visitor's computer might be at risk. They often trick people into installing TeamViewer using various scam websites. TeamViewer is legitimate software used to connect to remote computers, provide remote support, transfer files between different computers, and so on, however, scammers use this software for malicious purposes.

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